Dr. Midge Norton’s guide to identifying Rex

Will the Real Fringe ‘O’ Saurus Rex please stand up:
Dr. Midge Norton’s guide to Identifying Rex

I’ve received reports of fellow Fringers who’ve spotted Fringe ‘O’ Saurus Rex in odd places around town. While it’s true that Fringe ‘O’ Saurus Rex appears quite similar to other Tyrannosaurus Rex types, I can assure you our Rex is a very unique species.

In my time tracking the elusive Fringe ‘O’ Saurus Rex, I’ve learned many ways to differentiate our Rex from other Rex-like species. So, to help in your search for Rex, I have made a checklist so you may determine if you’ve spotted an official Fringe ‘O’ Saurus Rex, or a Rex-like impostor!

Is the Dino in question…

  • … wearing a stylish red shirt with a yellow #yegfringe logo on the front?
  • … sporting a green jester logo on the back?
  • … surrounded by an entourage of 1-3 human Fringe theatre types?

If you’ve checked off all three, congratulations! You’ve found our Rex! Upon a successful sighting, I strongly encourage you to then approach Rex (or me, even, as I’m often hot on the tail of our wily dino!) and snap a photo for your Instastory!

Don’t be shy, give us a high five!

Important: If you don’t know, don’t assume! Though the Fringe ‘O’ Saurus is exceptionally friendly, other Tyrannosaurus Rex’s may have different tendencies!

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