Have You Met… Jessica Peverett

Jessica Peverett (she/her) loves reality tv meets true crime, drinks iced coffees year round and

Have You Met… Murray Utas

Murray Utas is an Artist who acts, directs, creates, and produces in amiskwaciwâskahikan, colonially known

Have You Met… Molly Wreakes

Molly Wreakes (she/her) is a musician and arts administrator. Originally from Edmonton, she has recently

Have You Met… Dayna Lea Hoffmann

Dayna Lea Hoffmann (she/her) is a bi-racial multidisciplinary artist, actor, and administrator from the Unceded

Have You Met… Yu-Chen Tseng?

Yu-Chen Tseng (she/her) is Edmonton Fringe Theatre’s new Graphic Designer! She was originally born in

Have You Met… Lindy Mullen?

Lindy Mullen (she/her) is the Client Relations Coordinator here at Fringe Theatre. In addition to

Have You Met… Kevin Prisiak?

Kevin Prisiak (he/him) describes himself as a “classic ‘still in Edmonton,’” moving here in 2000

Have You Met… Megan Dart?

Megan Dart (she/her) is a passionate writer and theatre producer, and an avid champion of

Have You Met… Hayley Moorhouse?

Hayley Moorhouse (she/her) is a new addition to the Fringe Team as the Patron Services

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