Have You Met... Jason Chinn?

[May 7, 2024]

Jason Chinn (they/he) is Fringe Theatre’s Patron Services and Box Office Manager. They started fringing in 2007 with their play ‘BITCHES.’ One of the things they’re the proudest of is opening their playwriting process and working towards a more collaborative way of working in the rehearsal room.

Jason Chinn (they/he) has been playwrighting, community-based theatre facilitating, and teaching in amiskwaciwâskahikan since 2007. Some of Jason’s plays include E DAY, Murderers Confess at Christmastime, and Ladies Who Lynch. In 2020, he completed an MFA in Theatre Practice with a specialization in playwriting and community-based theatre. He has been fortunate to work alongside various communities in Edmonton and abroad to promote positive social change; including migrant caregivers with Migrante Alberta, intergenerational theatre company GeriActors, Kenya’s Ignite Afrika, and the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta.

When did you start fringing?  

I started Fringing in 2007 as a playwright and performer with my first play, BITCHES. My favourite part was connecting with the wildly creative, talented, bonkers, and generous community of Artists. I love that Festival provides the space to take big artistic risks and brings together such a diverse group of Artists.

How would you describe your job at Fringe?

My job, along with Fringe’s awesome Patron Services staff, is to oversee Box Office operations and to ensure that Patrons have an exceptional experience with Fringe. I also work with our events team to plan and host a wide variety of events throughout the year.

What is something you’re learning about right now?

I am learning Tagalog (but it’s slow going because learning languages doesn’t come easy to me).

Who or what inspires you?

Before joining the Fringe team, I was living in the Philippines (and plan to return someday!). I continue to be inspired by the friends I made there, and learning how important it is to find joy in the every day. Also, Drag Artists in the Philippines are next level!

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

I used to get made fun of in school when I was younger because my voice is low energy, monotone. When I was in my master’s program, an undergraduate student I was working with said, “omg I love listening to you talk. It’s like ASMR, so calming.”

Finally, my time has come.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

I am proud of opening up my playwriting process to include the other Artists and voices in the room and working towards a more collaborative way of working. It’s nice to create with folks who are open to sharing and listening and able to leave their ego at the door.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Grassroots politics and video games!

If joy became a national currency, what kind of work would make you wealthy?

I would be Director of Chilling on the Beach and Manager of Consuming Cocktails and Snacks.


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