Festival Vendors
Need a bite to eat, something sweet to drink, or maybe your next fave bracelet? Vendors are here to make your Fringe awesome.
Want to be a Festival Vendor?
Please stay tuned for information on 2025 Festival applications. Last year, applications opened in February.
I’m a Vendor. How can I apply?
The Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival is the largest, longest running Fringe Theatre Festival in North America. Anchored in Edmonton’s Old Strathcona district, our Festival showcases hundreds of theatre productions and outdoor performances featuring more than 1,600 local, national, and international Artists inside theatres and across our outdoor site. Offering something for everyone, the Festival sees an attendance of more than 500,000 site visits over 11 days every August. Festival Vendors awaken all five senses of our Fringers.
Click below to read about Artisan and Food Vendor opportunities. Questions? Please email vendoradmin@fringetheatre.ca.