[Last Updated April 17, 2024]

Are you an Artist looking for information on our Bring Your Own Venue (BYoV) program? You’ve found the right place. 

BYoV Applications for the 2024 Festival are now closed. Thank you for your interest! 

A BYoV is a venue or location not included in the list of Fringe Theatre managed venues. If you were not drawn in the Fringe Lottery, or if your performance is better suited for an unconventional space, a BYoV might be the right fit for you.

2024 BYoV Festival Fees are $650 + GST (this includes a non-refundable $35+GST application fee). Artists must have an agreement with their BYoV venue prior to their application, and all venues must be approved by Fringe Theatre in advance. Your venue is considered “approved” if it appears on the drop-down list of venues in Eventotron. If your venue is not on the list, please contact Victoria (victoria.dejong@fringetheatre.ca) and Murray (murray.utas@fringetheatre.ca) to discuss the eligibility of your proposed venue.

BYoV Artists source their own performance venue and are solely responsible for all costs related to the production and promotion of their venue and related performances. This includes:

  • Procuring and paying rental agreements, insurance, and liability coverage for the performance venue.
  • Procuring and paying for costumes, props and set pieces, Actor(s), Director, Stage Manager, Front of House staff, technicians, lighting and sound design, stage, masking, seating risers and chairs, and any related equipment.
  • Assuming sole responsibility for ensuring that the artistic content of the production abides by the laws of Alberta and Canada.

Most venues will have an in-house Venue Producer who is responsible for making agreements with their Artists. Some venues will simply rent a space to an Artist, and the Artist will be responsible for ensuring the venue adheres to Fringe Theatre’s requirements. In either case, the Venue Producer or the BYoV Artist must:

  • Provide Fringe Theatre the performance schedule, including dates, times and durations of their venue’s show(s). Performances can be scheduled to start between 12:00pm – 11:59pm each day of the Festival, with three exceptions:
    • Performances may start no earlier than 8:00pm on Thursday, August 15.
    • Performances may start no later than 8:00pm on Sunday, August 25.
    • Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) shows may start at 11:00AM on any day except Thursday, August 15. 
  • Accommodate the Fringe Lottery show schedule, if any of your venue’s shows share a cast with Lottery shows; the Fringe Lottery schedule will not be altered to accommodate BYoV scheduling.
  • Ensure that the venue meets emergency, safety, occupancy, and fire code regulations as outlined by the City of Edmonton, the Province of Alberta, and the Government of Canada. The City of Edmonton Fire Marshal must be permitted to inspect your venue.
  • Pick up Fringe signage from the administrative office prior the Festival, display that signage and provide wayfinding signage for patrons as needed, and return Fringe signage after the Festival.

We compile a list of regular BYoVs to help make your search easier. Click below to see the list of Fringe Theatre approved BYoVs.

BYoV Options

BYoV Producer Guide

Still have questions? Please reach out your friendly Programming Administrative Coordinator, Victoria deJong at victoria.dejong@fringetheatre.ca. We’re here to help!