Anti-Racism Commitment

Since its very beginning, Fringe Theatre has been the meeting place where experience, perspective, diversity, and passion are explored, uplifted, and celebrated through story and art.

Our Commitment to Anti-Racism

We stand against racism and inequality. We actively oppose marginalization, repression, and oppression.

We are listening. We are learning. We are committed to doing the work, and we commit to continuing that work.

Fringe Theatre commits to the actions below and will continue to develop and expand our commitments as we learn.

Anti-Racism & Safer Spaces Workshop Series

Fringe Theatre seasonally offers free workshops for the Edmonton theatre community, including workshops like:

  • Anti-Oppression Training: led by leaders and knowledge keepers in the community, these sessions will equip us with the language, tools, and actions to support anti-racism and systemic change in our spaces, productions, and communities; and
  • Bystander & Supporting Survivors Training: led by the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton, these sessions will empower us to recognize and call out discriminatory and harassing behaviours and provide us the language and tools to act, affect change, prevent and respond to violence, and support survivors.

Please stay tuned to our social media channels for more information or sign up for our workshop mailing list. We will continue to facilitate workshop opportunities throughout the year, and welcome input and feedback from the community regarding workshop content and delivery.

Community Supports and Resources

We readily offer the following supports to all artists in our community:

  • Administrative supports: free access to online resources, virtual community hubs, and other administrative supports;
  • Human resources and mentorship: our team is comprised of professional artists, administrators, grant writers, technicians, analysts, lawyers, and community leaders who provide free mentorship, time, knowledge, and resources to artists in our community;
  • Platform: we will work with and compensate artists of colour to get their stories, lived experiences, expertise, and creative work out on our social channels, blog, and stages, and into the community.
  • Space: in-line with our commitment to running the Fringe Grounds Cafe as a loiter positive space for the local creative community, we invite artists to meet, collaborate, train, rehearse, workshop, and perform in our spaces.

Internal Procedures and Processes

In collaboration with our Board, Staff, Volunteer, and paid Indigenous, Black, and POC diversity consultants, we will:

  • Review and revise hiring processes to ensure equitable hiring practices;
  • Uphold our commitment to 35//50 as we seek to  fill available roles, particularly roles in positions of power, within our organization and Board;
  • Change policies and procedures to ensure equitable recruitment, training, and retention processes in all areas of our organization;
  • Scrutinize and change Event and Season procedures to ensure artists are being actively engaged, subsidized, supported, and provided equitable opportunity;
  • Secure funding to expand our existing Equity Festival Lottery Category;
  • Create a new lottery Event venue as part of the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Event that expands our offerings beyond the limitations of colonial theatre traditions and specifically embraces culturally diverse theatre models including de-standardized show times and show schedules, latecomers welcome, relaxed performances etc. We will consult with and compensate marginalized artists in the creation and execution of this venue;
  • Continue to participate in, contribute to, and implement actions from the Professional Association of Canadian Theatre and Theatre Alberta’s ALL IN equity, diversity, and inclusion initiative;
  • Continue to work with the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion across the North American Fringe circuit;
  • Continue to expand and evolve our Safer Spaces program;
  • Continue dedicating time, resources, and space to brave community conversations regarding dismantling oppressive systems upheld by white creatives;
  • Continue to provide training, education, and resources to staff to actively stand against marginalization, repression, and oppression; and
  • Continue to provide training education, and resources to staff about decolonialized theatre practices to ensure our team can better support decolonial approaches to theatre making.

Community Toolbox

Using our available platforms, including our website, FringeTV channel, facility, social channels etc., and in collaboration with fellow Edmonton Theatre community members, we will maintain a digital toolbox that will include anti-racism resources, education, and actions specifically for local white theatre creators. This toolbox will be built collaboratively with the community and will be updated on an ongoing basis.

You can check out our Community Toolbox here.


This is just a first step. It is not a solution. We commit to listening, learning, and changing. We commit to showing up and doing better.

Questions? Comments? Please email us at and we will connect you with the right staff member.